Wednesday, March 7, 2012

three poems yet one poem

I Am / Faith and Everything After / Phonographs and Digital Files
I am a dumpster.
I am a French cologne.
I am a shitty bike.
I am a fucking Rolls-Royce.
I am your first mistake.
I am your final truth.
I am nothing 
And I am everything.
I am yours.
I am mine.
I bow to no one.
I sing your praise.
I can't move.
I'll never stop.
I am hell bound.
I am heaven sent.
I am revolting.
I am picture perfect.
I am.
I am.
I am.

What ever, however I am, I am
And I'll never be different.
But I'll never be quite the same.

Lips that told secrets.
Ears that listened.
Minds that retained.
Never mentioned,
Ever present.

Eyes and glances
Fingertips and brushes
Faith and everything after.

There is a part of me that knows you'll always be my favorite song,
But there's a part of me that knows that I'll always remain a record player
While you transform and reform and expand and compress
And now you've become a goddam mp3.
While music is a universal language, our mediums have changed.
So my old fashioned needle and your new fangled  encoding do not coincide.
But you know what, you know something? That's fine.

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