Tuesday, March 6, 2012

This one was a personal, and fan favorite.

I Love You. The End.
I'm dusting for fingerprints and
Circumstantial evidence points to the existence
Of logical fallacies regarding the heart and the soul.
With understanding that this works two ways but
Without fully accepting the fact, I'm on track.
The tiniest crack in an alibi can be enough cause
To set dogs on the path, seeking the scent of inconsistency.

Cupid took a coffee break and 
Left me to fend for myself on this case.
On what grounds do I have any proof?
Oh, only that I know you.
Though that won't hold up in any court of law,
It might be found sufficient by the affected because
Law bares no jurisdiction in the matters of love.
So, the case remains open, awaiting a statement.

With all the different scenarios and 
Clues materializing from every side,
Options are weighed and weighed in, again.
Just one utterance from the mouth of the perp
Changes the schema, turns the whole case on it's head.
"I love you.

The end."

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